
It was 2001 when I had my first epiphany – if I can call it that! I was sitting in an Amsterdam bar gazing aimlessly at the lights shimmering off the canal surface when this idea popped into my head: “I could live here!”

It wasn’t the thought that was compelling, it was the feeling that accompanies it; at that very moment, my body completely drained of all tension and a strange feeling of weightlessness washed over me.

I had never experienced anything quite like it before – and no, I had not been smoking marijuana. I had barely even had a drink. Yet despite this powerful and somewhat odd sensation, I slipped back into the comfort of my bubble and thought nothing more of this surreal moment for another three years.

Without going into great detail about my circumstances at the time, needless to say I was unhappy, perhaps even suffering from borderline depression. I also had anxiety looming under the surface although did not realise this for another three months.

At the time, I had a promising career in law and owned a house in Sheffield, England. But following a chain of events that built up over several years I reached a point where I knew I had to change my career path.

I was 29 years old and could not see myself in law for another thirty plus years. Then I had my second epiphany, and this time it changed my life!

Becoming a writer

I came to the conclusion that I wanted – I needed – to have a career that enabled me to express my creativity. For several weeks, I searched the internet and newspaper classifieds in the hope I would find the career changing job. But there was nothing.

I was at a loss until one day, laid in a state of reverie on the settee of my home, I was struck with another bubble-shattering idea: ‘Why don’t you become a writer and move to Amsterdam.’

With this thought I sat bolt upright – and just like I had experienced on my first trips to The Netherlands, my body drained of tension. Nine months later, I had sold my house, packed my bags and touched down in Schiphol.

To hone my writing skills, I engaged in a comprehensive writing course, but breaking into the writing field proved difficult and for two years I struggled, living frugally from the proceeds of my house sale.

In pursuit of ancient wisdom

Against my desire, I returned to the UK and moved to London in the hope of finding more opportunities to become a published writer and build a profile. Within a year I was earning enough to support myself.

Whilst watching the Ancient Aliens series on the History Channel, another moment of inspiration stirred within me – What Can Modern Man Learn From Ancient Civilisations?

So, I embarked on a journey to South America, initially to research ancient cultures in Bolivia, Peru and Chile, then to Central America where I travelled around Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and Belize.

It was during this trip that I discovered striking similarities between different civilisations, not only in the Americas, but from cultures all over the world.

What intrigued me the most was the repetition of numbers and symbols. It struck me that if cultures from around the globe have been using coded messages in their stonework, art and ceramics for thousands of years, it must be pretty important.

And that is what I have discovered! Symbols are the keys to unlocking the wisdom of ancient secrets. Encoded in scriptures and stone is esoteric knowledge relating to the human psyche, the body, spirit and soul.

I will show you the gateway, but you must find your own way along the path.

There is one more point I would like to mention. I am not religious, not do I consider myself ‘spiritual’ or ‘new-age’. What I do have is an interest in psychology and how the mind works. Although my research inevitably involves religious and spiritual texts, what they are essentially describing is the human psyche, energy centres in the body and conscious awareness.

In essence, the ancient secrets tell us how we work, and advise us how we can operate better in order to discover the truth about reality. Once you bring down the Veil of Isis, you can enjoy the life you want to create rather than the lie  programmed in the matrix.

This is a continuing project, but for now you can read about my experiences in Latin America in my first eBook Journeys to Ancient Worlds: What Modern Man Can Learn From Ancient Civilisations.

And of course, if you have any comments or valuable information to share, please do not hesitate to contact me by using the form below:


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